
Building Code Use Categories

Find the reference tables below for the General Building Code Use Categories and Zoning Use Categories that are necessary to select at Step 4 in the application process.

General Building Code Use Categories

General Building Code Use CategoryGroupSpecific Builidng Code Use
AssemblyAPrivate Studio - A
A-1Movie Theater - A-1
A-1Public Theater - A-1
A-1Television Studios - A-1
A-1Theaters Performing Arts - A-1
A-2Banquet Hall - A-2
A-2Bar - A-2
A-2Bar/Cocktail Lounge - A-2
A-2Coffee Shop - A-2
A-2Fast Food Establishment - A-2
A-2Night Club - A-2
A-2Restaurants - A-2
A-2Taverns - A-2
A-3Amusement Arcade - A-3
A-3Auditorium - A-3
A-3Billiard Parlor - A-3
A-3Bowling Alleys - A-3
A-3Churches - A-3
A-3Community Halls - A-3
A-3Courtroom - A-3
A-3Dance Hall - A-3
A-3Exhibitions Halls - A-3
A-3Funeral Parlors - A-3
A-3Gymnasiums - A-3
A-3Lecture Halls - A-3
A-3Library - A-3
A-3Museums - A-3
A-3Passenger Stations (waiting area) - A-3
A-3Pool Hall - A-3
A-3Swimming Pool Indoor - A-3
A-3Tennis Court Indoor - A-3
A-4Arena - A-4
A-4Skating Rinks - A-4
A-4Swimming Pools - A-4
A-4Tennis Court - A-4
A-5Amusement Park - A-5
A-5Bleachers - A-5
A-5Grandstands - A-5
A-5Stadiums - A-5
BusinessBAnimal Hospital - B
BAntennas - B
BArt Gallery - B
BArtists studio - B
BBank - B
BBarber Shop - B
BBeauty Shop -B
BBed and Breakfast - B
BCar Wash - B
BCatering Establishment - B
BChancery - B
BClinic- B
BColleges - B
BDeli - B
BDentists - B
BDog Pound - B
BDressmaking Establishment - B
BEducational above 12th grade - B
BElectric Appliance Store -B
BElectronic Data Processing - B
BFire Station - B
BFood Delivery Service - B
BIce Cream Parlor - B
BKennel - B
BLaboratory - B
BLaundry - B
BLocksmith - B
BMotor Vehicle Showroom - B
BNewspaper Distribution - B
BOffice - B
BOptometrists - B
BPolice Station - B
BPost Office - B
BPrint Shop - B
BPrivate Club - B
BRadio Station - B
BResearch Lab - B
BSalvage Yard - B
BSeamstress Shop - B
BTailor Shop - B
BTelephone Exchanges - B
BTelevision Station - B
BUniversities - B
bWatch Repair -B
EducationalEEducation for 6+ children over 2 1/2 years - E
EEducation for 6+ through 12th grade - E
EPrivate School - E (up to 12 grade)
EPublic School - E (up to 12 grade)
EEducation for 6+ though 12th grade - E-1
EEducation for 6+ children over 2 1/2 years - E-2
Factory and IndustrialF-1Appliances - F-1
F-1Athletic Equipment - F-1
F-1Automobiles and other Motor Vehicles - F-1
F-1Bakery - F-1
F-1Business Machines - F-1
F-1Dry Cleaning Plant - F-1
F-1Electric Light Plants - F-1
F-1Electrical Power Houses - F-1
F-1Electronics - F-1
F-1Food Processing - F-1
F-1Furniture - F-1
F-1Motion Picture - F-1
F-1Optical Goods - F-1
F-1Plastic Products - F-1
F-1Printing or Publishing - F-1
F-1Refuse Incineration - F-1
F-1Soap and Detergent - F-1
F-1Television Filming - F-1
F-1Textiles - F-1
F-1Trailers - F-1
F-1Upholstering - F-1
F-1Wood; distillation - F-1
F-1Woodworking (cabinet) - F-1
F-2Beverages (alcoholic) - F-2
F-2Beverages (non alcoholic) - F-2
F-2Brick and Masonry - F-2
F-2Ceramic Products - F-2
F-2Foundries - F-2
F-2Glass Products - F-2
F-2Gypsum - F-2
F-2Ice - F-2
F-2Metal Products - F-2
High HazardHHigh Hazard - H
InstitutionalI-1Alcohol Center - I-1
I-1Assisted Living Facility - I-1
I-1Congregate Care Facility - I-1
I-1Convalescent Facility - I-1
I-1Drug Abuse Center - I-1
I-1Emergency Shelter - I-1
I-1Half-way Houses/Group Homes - I-1
I-1Residential Board and Care Facilities - I-1
I-1Social Rehabilitation Facilities - I-1
I-2Child Care 24-7 basis 6+ less than 2 1/2 years old - I-2
I-2Detoxification Facility - I-2
I-2Health Care Facility - I-2
I-2Hospital - I-2
I-2Mental Hospital - I-2
I-2Nursing Home - I-2
I-2Substance Abuser's Home - I-2
I-2Youth Rehabilitation Home - I-2
I-2Youth Residential Care Home - I-2
I-3Correctional Center - I-3
I-3Detention Center - I-3
I-3Jails - I-3
I-3Prisons - I-3
I-3Reformatories - I-3
I-4Child Care 24-7 basis 6+ less than 2 1/2 years old - I-4
MercantileMArt Supplies - M
MBook Store - M
MCosmetics - M
MDepartment Store - M
MDrug Store - M
MFlorist - M
MFlower Stand - M
MGift Shop - M
MHardware store - M
MHobby Shop - M
MJewelry Store - M
MMarkets - M
MMotor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities - M
MMotorcycle Sales - M
MMusic Store - M
MNew/Used Car Sales - M
MNewstand - M
MNotions/Novelty Store - M
MPaint Store - M
MPharmacy - M
MRetail or Wholesale Store - M
MSales Rooms - M
MSporting Goods Store - M
ResidentialR-1Boarding House (transient) - R-1
R-1Hotel - R-1
R-1Motels - R-1
R-2Apartment Houses - R-2
R-2Boarding House (non-transient) - R-2
R-2Condo - R-2
R-2Convents - R-2
R-2Dormitory - R-2
R-2Fraternities and Sororities - R-2
R-2Monastery- R-2
R-3Embassy - R-3
R-3Residential 5 or less for less than 24 Hr - R-3
R-3Two-Family Flat - R-3
R-4Residential Care > 5 less than 16 - R-4
StorageS-1Cardboard and Cardboard Boxes - S-1
S-1Motor Vehicle Service Station - S-1
S-1Motorcycle Repair - S-1
S-1Storage Aerosols, Levels 2 and 3 - S-1
S-1Storage Bags - S-1
S-1Storage Bamboos and Rattan - S-1
S-1Storage Baskets - S-1
S-1Storage Books - S-1
S-1Storage Clothing, Woolen Wearing Apparel - S-1
S-1Storage Dry Boat Indoor - S-1
S-1Storage Furniture - S-1
S-1Storage Furs - S-1
S-1Storage Glues - S-1
S-1Storage Grain - S-1
S-1Storage Hazardous Materials - S-1
S-1Storage Leather - S-1
S-1Storage Linoleum - S-1
S-1Storage Lumber - S-1
S-1Storage Motor Vehicle Repair Garage - S-1
S-1Storage Paper in Rolls or Packs - S-1
S-1Storage Photo Engravings - S-1
S-1Storage Resilient Flooring - S-1
S-1Storage Tobacco - S-1
S-1Storage Wax Candles - S-1
S-2Food Products - S-2
S-2Parking Garages - S-2
S-2Parking Lots - S-2
S-2Storage Asbestos - S-2
S-2Storage Beverages (alcohol) - S-2
S-2Storage Cement in Bags - S-2
S-2Storage Dairy Products - S-2
S-2Storage Electrical Coils - S-2
S-2Storage Electrical Motors - S-2
S-2Storage Empty Cans - S-2
S-2Storage Foods - S-2
S-2Storage Frozen Foods - S-2
S-2Storage Fruits and Vegetables - S-2
S-2Storage Glass - S-2
S-2Storage Glass Bottles - S-2
S-2Storage Gypsum Board - S-2
S-2Storage Meats - S-2
S-2Storage Metal Cabinets - S-2
S-2Storage Metal parts - S-2
S-2Storage Metals - S-2
S-2Storage Mirrors - S-2
S-2Storage Parking Garage (open or enclosed) - S-2
S-2Storage Porcelain and Pottery - S-2
S-2Storage Stoves - S-2
S-2Storage Washers and Dryers - S-2
Utility and MiscellaneousUAgricultural Building - U
UBarn - U
UCarports - U
UFences more than 6 feet - U
UGreenhouse - U
UPrivate Garages - U
URetaining Walls - U
USheds - U
UStables - U
UTanks - U
UTower - U
OtherxxxxMixed Use (Specify)
xxxxOne Family Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
xxxxIndividual Condo or Co-op
xxxxOne Family
xxxxOther - Specify
xxxxOther (Specify)

Zoning Use Categories

ZR16 Use CategorySpecific Zoning UseLoad Type
Agriculture, LargeFarm or truck gardenn/a
Greenhouse or horticultural nurseryn/a
Private stablen/a
Agriculture, ResidentialCommunity gardenn/a
Animal Sales, Care, and BoardingAnimal boardingn/a
Animal sheltern/a
Pet care establishment, including sale of pet supplies, grooming, trimming, and pet walkingn/a
Pet grooming establishmentn/a
Pet shop (sale of live animals)n/a
Veterinary boarding hospitaln/a
Veterinary hospitaln/a
Radio or TV broadcasting studio (and antenna)n/a
Arts, Design, and CreationArt centern/a
Artist studion/a
Craftsman or artisan studio, with salesn/a
Basic UtilitiesElectric substation or natural gas regulator stationn/a
Electronic Equipment Facilityn/a
Optical transmission noden/a
Public utility pumping stationn/a
Utility (pumping station)n/a
Community-Based Institutional FacilityCBRF (Adult rehab. home)residents
CBRF (Youth rehab. home)residents
Daytime CareAdult day treatment facilityn/a
Child development centerchildren/staff
Elderly development centerpersons
Eating and Drinking EstablishmentPrepared food shopseats/persons
Bar or cocktail loungeseats/persons
Catering establishmentn/a
Fast food establishmentseats/persons
Food delivery service (no drive-through)n/a
Ice cream parlorseats/persons
Education PrivateSchool, privatechildren/staff
Education PublicSchool, publicchildren/staff
Education, College/UniversityCollege or universityseats/persons
Education, PrivateArt or performing arts schoolseats/persons
School, tradeseats/persons
Emergency ShelterCBRF (Emergency shelter)residents
Entertainment, Assembly, and Performing ArtAmusement enterpriseseats/persons
Assembly hall, auditorium or public hallseats/persons
Auction houseseats/persons
Billiard parlor or pool hallseats/persons
Bowling alleyseats/persons
Concert hall or other performing arts spaceseats/persons
Dance hall, discotheque or ballroomseats/persons
Recreational building or usen/a
Theater, including motion picture or performing artsseats/persons
Firearm SalesFirearm Retail Salesn/a
Government, Large ScaleFire Department Training Facilityn/a
Police Department General Facilityn/a
Government, LocalCommunity centern/a
Community Service centersn/a
Fire Department Administrative Facilityn/a
Fire Department Support Facilityn/a
Fire Stationn/a
Library, publicn/a
Police Department Local Facilityn/a
Institution, GeneralLibrary (other than public)n/a
Private club, lodgepersons
Institutional Religious BasedChurch or other place of worshipseats/persons
Parsonage, vicarage or rectorypersons
MarineBoat club or marinan/a
Boat constructionn/a
Boat launching facility, dock, wharf, or piern/a
Cruise line operation & associated dock & land facilitiesn/a
Water taxi information/ticket booth & passenger sheltern/a
Yacht Clubn/a
Medical CareClinicn/a
Dental laboratoryn/a
Office, Medical -including physicians, dentistsn/a
Optician and optometristn/a
Motor Vehicle - RelatedAuto supply storesn/a
Automobile accessories sales (including installation)n/a
Automobile accessory sales (w/out installation)n/a
Automobile and/or truck salesn/a
Automobile laundryn/a
Automobile rentaln/a
Boat or marine salesn/a
Driver's License Road Test Facilityn/a
Garage, repairn/a
Gasoline service stationn/a
Gasoline service station accessory (internal) to garagen/a
Motorcycle sales and repairn/a
Bail bondsmann/a
Performing arts ticket office or booking agencyn/a
Real estate agent, appraiser, broker, developern/a
Social service agency officen/a
Travel Agency, Ticket Officen/a
ParkingParking garageparking spaces
Parking lotparking spaces
Parking spaces, accessoryparking spaces
Private garage as principal useparking spaces
Parks and RecreationPark or open spacen/a
Public nature education or interpretive centern/a
Public recreation & community centern/a
Public swimming pooln/a
Swimming pool, publicn/a
Production, Distribution, and RepairAsphalt plantn/a
Concrete plantn/a
Light manufacturing, processing or fabricatingn/a
Outdoor materials storagen/a
Printing, lithographing, or photoengraving establishmentn/a
Wholesale or storage establishment (incl. open storage)n/a
ResidentialApartment housedwelling units
Boarding HouseBoarders
Caretaker's residencedwelling units
CBRF (Community res. facility)residents
CBRF (fewer than 6)residents
CBRF (Health care facility)residents
CBRF (other)residents
CBRF (Substance abusers home)residents
CBRF (Youth res. care home)residents
Child development homechildren/staff
Clerical & religious group residencesresidents
Dwellingdwelling units
Dwelling, multiple familydwelling units
Dwelling, one-family detacheddwelling units
Dwelling, one-family rowdwelling units
Dwelling, one-family semi-detacheddwelling units
Elderly day care homepersons
Embassydwelling units
Flat, [ two-family dwelling]dwelling units
Floating homedwelling units
Fraternity house, sorority house or dormitorybeds
Home occupation (limited)n/a
Rooming houserooms
RetailAlcoholic beverage sales (off-premises consumption)n/a
Antique store or shopn/a
Apparel and accessories storen/a
Appliance sales or repairn/a
Appliance storen/a
Art galleryn/a
Art supplies storen/a
Bed and breakfast (limited)rooms
Bicycle sale, repair, or rentaln/a
Book Storen/a
Camera or photographic supplies storen/a
Candy Storen/a
Commercial adjunct to an apartment housen/a
Computer storen/a
Cosmetic/toiletries salesn/a
Department Storen/a
Drug store or pharmacyn/a
Electric appliance store, including radio and TV salesn/a
Fabric storen/a
Florist & plant storesn/a
Food/grocery storen/a
Furniture Storen/a
Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Shopn/a
Grocery storen/a
Hardware storen/a
Hobby, toys and game shopn/a
Home furnishing storen/a
Jewelry storen/a
Leather goods and luggage storen/a
Liquor storen/a
Music store, including the sale of musical instrumentsn/a
Notions or novelty storen/a
Off premises alcoholic beverages salesn/a
Office supplies and equipment salesn/a
Optical goods storen/a
Paint storen/a
Pawn shopn/a
Pet supplies retail (no live animals)n/a
Retail establishmentn/a
Seasonal or occasional market for produce, arts & crafts w/ non permanent structuresn/a
Secondhand store or consignment shopn/a
Shoe storen/a
Sporting goods storen/a
Stationery storen/a
Tobacco products storen/a
Variety Storen/a
Video rental and salesn/a
Service, FinancialBank, loan office, or financial institutionn/a
Service, GeneralBarber or Beauty shopn/a
Blueprinting, printing or copy servicen/a
Cobbler/shoe repairn/a
Dressmaking or Tailor Shopn/a
Dry cleaning or laundryn/a
Funeral, mortuary or undertaking establishmentn/a
Gym or exercise studion/a
Laundry, self servicen/a
Massage Establishmentn/a
Photographic studion/a
Picture framing studio/shopn/a
Plumbing or heating shop (no outdoor storage)n/a
Printing or fast copy servicesn/a
Recording studion/a
Shoe Repairn/a
Shoeshine parlorn/a
Tailor or valet shopn/a
Watch repair shopn/a
Parcel delivery servicen/a
Temporary UseTemporary building or usen/a
Temporary use by fairs, circuses, or carnivalsn/a
Transportation InfrastructureBus passenger depotn/a
Mass transit facilityn/a
Streetcar or bus passenger depotn/a
Transit system yards, buildings and structuresn/a
Waste-Related ServicesCarting, express, moving or hauling yard/terminaln/a
Intermediate materials recycling facilityn/a
Solid waste handling facilityn/a