
Application Review Phase

After submitting your application, you will be directed to the status info page of your application, where you can read a summary of the application process and you need to wait.

The participating divisions are notified and each department needs to assign a reviewer and start the review. The first round of department review about inspections needs to be done within the first 3 days. All departments check the uploaded documents and can request additional documents and/or text answers.

When additional documents or information are requested from you, the progress chart will turn orange, and its status will change to 'hold for correction.' You will also receive a notification email and an in-app message regarding the correction request. It's important to note that during this time, the SLA is temporarily paused.

Hold for correction status

The orange color always indicates that you have a pending task. You can also see your correction requests listed from the different departments on your 'Dashboard.'

Applicant's dashboard: correction requests

Review Process

  1. Manage Correction Request
  2. Review the CofO Draft
  3. Complete Payment
  4. Download Issued CofO