
Manage Correction Requests



After submitting your application, you will be notified about:

  • Correction requests
  • Divisional acceptances

When additional documents or information are requested from you, the progress chart will turn orange, and its status will change to 'Hold for correction.' You will also receive a notification email and an in-app message regarding the correction request. It's important to note that during this time, the SLA is temporarily paused.

Hold for correction status
The orange color always indicates that you have a pending task.
  1. Go to your 'Dashboard,' where you can see your correction requests listed.
Applicant's dashboard: correction requests
  1. Click on the CofO number or the eye icon at the end of the row to open it. You will be directed to the 'Review detail page' of your application.
Review details tab
  1. Scroll down to the 'Review process' section on the Review details page. You will find small orange icons with an exclamation mark at the sections you need to provide additional information or documents. Go there to provide a correction in order to proceed with your application.
Applicant correction request Permits tab
  1. Follow the instructions on the form and provide the necessary documents and/or information, then click on 'Send.' When a document is missing, you can upload it in PDF or PNG format. The maximum size is 10 MB. After submitting your correction, its status will be pending.
Correction requested
  1. Now you need to wait. The reviewer will either approve or reject your correction and you will be notified about the action.
Approved or declined by DOB

When your correction is rejected, you need to provide the necessary information until the reviewer approves it and the section turns to green – 'Approved by DOB'.

Declined by DOB
  1. At the end of the department review process, all departments will review and approve your application and their statuses turn to green.
Approved by all departments

Continue the process with Reviewing the CofO Draft.