
Change / Revision an Existing Certificate of Occupancy

Get assistance with Certifi registration and login, as well as selecting the type of CofO application you need by referring to the tutorial. It will guide you through the application process step by step. Choose the most appropriate CofO type from the following options:

You can apply as:

  • Property Owner
  • Business Owner/Tenant
  • Authorized Agent of the Owner
  • Authorized Agent of Business Owner/Tenant

Types of CofO applications

There are six (6) types of CofO applications: ownership change, use change, occupant load change, revision, temporary occupancy, and new building. For new buildings, there are three (3) CofO subsets: conditional, completion of core and shell, and establishment of a new occupancy.

  • Ownership Change: If the operator of a use established by a prior CofO is changing, a change of ownership application is required. No changes to the use, square footage, or occupant load are proposed. Please note that a zoning inspection is required for nonconforming uses, apartment buildings, rental units, eating establishments, for any use for which the current CofO was issued greater than 10 years ago, and other uses as determined by the Office of the Zoning Administrator.
  • New Construction, Use Change, Occupant Load Change: If a new building or addition is constructed or there is a change of use, a building permit application with plans is required to be approved, constructed and passed inspection prior to the approval of a CofO. A building permit may also be required to change the occupant load, as determined by the Permit Operations Division. CofO for a new construction and load occupancy change (over 5,000 square feet) will be reviewed by District of Energy and Environment (DOEE) Stormwater Management. Failure to request a final inspection of storm water management facilities, and submittal of as-built plans of the completed storm water facility, may result in the denial of the CofO application.
  • Completion of Core and Shell: A means to recognize that the core and shell of a building have been substantially and materially completed in accordance with the DC Construction Codes. It does not allow occupancy of a building. A core and shell must be obtained prior to a Conditional Certificate of Occupancy for a new building.
    • Conditional Occupancy: A conditional certificate of occupancy may be issued for part of the building before completion of the entire work covered by the building permit. Review the Issuance of Conditional Certificates of Occupancy Guidelines about the application submission, review and approval process. If you have questions about how to apply for a conditional or core and shell CofO, please review the Conditional and Core and Shell Certificate of Occupancy FAQs.
    • Revision: If a typographical error was made in a previously issued CofO, the applicant should apply for a revision to the issued CofO. Note that no substantive changes to the use or occupancy are permitted as a revision to an issued CofO.
    • Temporary: For use of a building or outdoor event on a temporary basis. Conditions may be imposed as necessary and will include an expiration date. A building permit may be required prior to the issuance of a temporary CofO.