
Apply for a Certificate of Occupancy for a Temporary/Seasonal Event



Applying for a Certificate of Occupancy includes 6 steps:

6 steps flowchart
  1. Property Address

  2. Applicant Validation

  3. Existing CofO

  4. Building Description

  5. Permits

  6. Summary and Submission

Each step is dependent on the preceding one, meaning that the next step will only become accessible if you complete the previous step:

  • provided all the required data, and
  • saved all the subsections of the preceding step.

Follow the specific order of steps above and the form guides you through the process.

The system will define the list of required documents based on the information you provide. In the final step (Step 6), ensure that you upload all the required documents necessary for the application.

Step 1: Property Address

Enter the address information for the property on which you wish to make changes.

  1. Complete the required fields of the 'Property Address' form.

  2. Click on 'Search.'

Property address fields
All fields are required by default; you must enter data to proceed unless specific fields are marked as 'if applicable' or 'optional.'
  1. A popup is displayed to warn you before submitting duplicate applications:
    "Please be aware if you have already applied for this application, you should not apply for the duplicate application. Contact the agency for further information and instructions."

Click 'OK' if you have not applied for this before and want to proceed with your current application. If you are unsure whether this is a duplicate, contact the agency for further information and instructions.

Prevent Duplication Popup
  1. Find and select the correct address you want to use for the CofO. When you select an address, you will be able to see the name of the owner(s) and their addresses as well.
Selecting property

If you see more addresses in the list and it is difficult to choose, you can narrow down the search results by providing a unit number.


IMPORTANT: Ensure that you choose the accurate address, owner name, and owner address before proceeding, as the information selected in this step will be displayed on the final CofO.

Contact DOB if you have any questions (e.g., you can't find the address because it is a freshly purchased property and it is not updated in the database yet) or something is unclear about the addresses.

  1. Click on 'Save and continue.'

Step 2: Applicant Validation

You can submit your application as a(n)

Different pieces of information and documents are requested from the different types of applicants.

Application validation dropdown
Please be aware that at the conclusion of the application process (Step 6), it is necessary to upload the signed affidavit from the property owner, business owner, or tenant.

Apply as a Property Owner

  1. Select 'Property Owner' from the 'Who is applying' drop-down.
Property owner selected
  1. Accept the 'Disclaimer.'

The 'Property Info' box is closed by default, but you can always check it by clicking on the 'Property Info' area at the top of the page.

Show property info
  1. Provide your personal and contact information and address as the property owner. See the screenshot below for reference.
Filled form
All fields are required by default; you must enter data to proceed unless specific fields are marked as 'if applicable' or 'optional.'
  1. (Optional) Add a secondary contact who assists the Department of Buildings (DOB) during the review process.
Secondary contact
  1. Click on 'Save and continue.'

Apply as a Business Owner/Tenant

Please be aware that at the conclusion of the application process (Step 6), it is necessary to upload Tenant documents.
  1. Select 'Business Owner/Tenant' from the 'Who is applying' drop-down menu.
Business owner selected
  1. Accept the 'Disclaimer.'

The 'Property Info' box is closed by default, but you can always check it by clicking on the 'Property Info' area at the top of the page.

Show property info
  1. Provide the contact information and address of the property owner.
Property owner info
  1. Provide your personal contact information for a business owner or tenant. The trade name is optional, but it is important to note that this name will appear on the final Certificate of Occupancy if provided.
Filled form
All fields are required by default; you must enter data to proceed unless specific fields are marked as 'if applicable' or 'optional.'
  1. (Optional) Add a secondary contact who assists the Department of Buildings (DOB) during the review process.
Secondary contact
  1. Click on 'Save and continue.'

Apply as an Authorized Agent of the Owner

Please be aware that at the conclusion of the application process (Step 6), it is necessary to upload the signed affidavit from the property owner, business owner, or tenant.
  1. Select 'Authorized Agent of the Owner' from the 'Who is applying' drop-down.
Authorized Agent of the Owner selected
  1. Accept the 'Disclaimer.'

The 'Property Info' box is closed by default, but you can always check it by clicking on the 'Property Info' area at the top of the page.

Show property info
  1. Provide personal and contact information of the property owner - the person the CofO will be granted to. Trade name is important because this is the trade name that will show on the final Certificate of Occupancy, but it is not required. See the screenshot below for reference.
Property owner information
All fields are required by default; you must enter data to proceed unless specific fields are marked as 'if applicable' or 'optional.'
  1. Provide the applicant's address.
Property owner information
  1. (Optional) Add a secondary contact who assists the Department of Buildings (DOB) during the review process.
Secondary contact
  1. The 'Agent/Expeditor Information' section is automatically populated with your data based on your Access DC account. Check this information and modify if needed.
  1. Click on 'Save and continue.'

Apply as an Authorized Agent of Business Owner/Tenant

Please be aware that at the end of the application process (Step 6), it is necessary to upload the signed affidavit from the property owner, business owner, or tenant.
  1. Select 'Authorized Agent of Business Owner/Tenant' from the 'Who is applying' drop-down.
Authorized Agent of Business Owner/Tenant selected
  1. Accept the 'Disclaimer.'

The 'Property Info' box is closed by default, but you can always check it by clicking on the 'Property Info' area at the top of the page.

Show property info
  1. Provide personal and contact information of the property owner.
Property owner
All fields are required by default; you must enter data to proceed unless specific fields are marked as 'if applicable' or 'optional.'
  1. Provide personal and contact information of the business owner or tenant - the person the CofO will be granted to.
Businessowner information
All fields are required by default; you must enter data to proceed unless specific fields are marked as 'if applicable' or 'optional.'
  1. (Optional) Add a secondary contact who assists the Department of Buildings (DOB) during the review process.
Secondary contact
  1. The 'Agent/Expeditor Information' section is automatically populated with your data based on your Access DC account. Check this information and modify if needed.
Expeditor contact
  1. Click on 'Save and continue.'

Step 3: Existing CofO

  1. Select 'There is no valid Certification of Occupancy.'

  2. Select 'Temporary/Seasonal.'

Select CofO
  1. Click on 'Save and continue.'

Step 4: Building Description

  1. Complete the 'Building Description' form, and refer to the explanations provided below each field for additional details and guidance.
Building Description
All fields are required by default; you must enter data to proceed unless specific fields are marked as 'if applicable' or 'optional.'
  1. Click on 'Save.'

  2. Provide information about the proposed owner and business of the property. The data entered here will appear on the final CofO.

Proposed owner/business
  1. Click on 'Save.'

  2. Provide information about the proposed property use by selecting the categories from the drop-down. The 'General Building Code Use' and 'Zoning Use' categories are similar, but from a different point of view. Visit the General Building Code Use Categories page for more information.

Property use
  1. Select attributes that are applicable for the proposed use of the property. For attributes requiring more detailed information, please respond to all the questions highlighted with a gray background in the form.
Present attributes
If you choose 'I have received approval from the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) or Zoning Commission (ZC),' you provide the number of the written approval and the approval date. At Step 6 you'll need to upload the order and a letter or matrix, with attachments as necessary, from the property owner.
  1. Click on 'Save.'

IMPORTANT: Remember to save this section containing property use information before proceeding to the next section. The data required for property load and occupant load calculations is determined by the details you've provided in the property use section.

  1. Provide information about the proposed property load and occupant load.
Present property load
  1. Click on 'Save.'

  2. Click on 'Save and continue.'

Step 5: Permits

For Temporary/Seasonal events, you need to have a conditional Certificate of Occupancy.

  1. Select the type of Certificate of Occupancy from the following list
  • PUPs (POP UP Permits)
  • Farmers Market
  • Christmas Trees
  • Fireworks
  • Skating rink
  • Outdoor screens
  • Festivals
Type of CofO

Or provide your own answer in the 'Other' field and choose a timeframe you need the conditional CofO.

For pop-up permits, you can select the timeframe from a dropdown menu, choosing options like 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 365 days, or a custom duration. Selecting the inspection date is not available in Step 6 for this permit type. Once Zoning and Structural/Fire reviews are completed, you will receive a notification letting you know that inspections can now be scheduled. Until the inspections are passed, the application status will remain as 'Hold for Correction'.

You can apply for a fireworks permit during the timeframe set by the administrator, typically from the last Monday of May until July 1st. The permit will expire on July 5th.

  1. You will see the address of the property you provided in the very first step. Click on the 'Search for permit' button to see all issued building permits at the provided address.
Search for permit
  1. Select the permit or permits that are associated with the application from the list and click 'Check inspection results.' Knowing the permit number will make the search easier.
List of permits
Check inspection results
  1. You can only apply for a Certificate of Occupancy if you have the approved result for the Building Final inspection.

If you receive an error message stating that the Building Final inspection is missing, you can't submit your application.

Missing Final Building Inspection error message

In this case, click 'Save Draft' at the bottom of the page. Complete your application once you've obtained the necessary inspection. Contact your third-party inspection agency or use the DOB scheduling system, depending on who conducted the previous inspections on your permits.

Return to the application form later and click 'Check inspection results' to finalize your application. You will receive a success message once the permit is verified.

Verified permit
  1. Include contact details for the on-site personnel that DOB inspectors can contact to schedule an inspection.
Site contact info
  1. Click on 'Save and continue.'

Step 6: Summary and Submission

As you are applying for a Business/Owner change, keep in mind that you need to upload a 'Change of Owners' document at the 'Building Description' section.

On this page, you can view a summary of the application process. The numbers in various sections (e.g., Applicant Validation (0/2)) indicate the missing documents you need to upload in this step. Additionally, you must select the inspection date and agree with the statements provided under 'Certification' before submitting the application.

Summary page

You can expand all sections by clicking on them to review the information you provided in the previous steps for accuracy. If necessary, you can make changes. Please be aware that if you modify any information in a step, you may need to revisit subsequent steps as the required information might change.

The 'Property Info' box is closed by default, but you can always check it by clicking on the 'Property Info' area at the top of the page.

Show property info
  1. Click on the 'Applicant Validation' box to expand it and review the data you provided earlier. If applicable, upload any missing documents indicated by the form.
Applicant validation document upload

These are the documents that will allow DOB Inspectors to enter the property.

  1. Click on the 'Existing CofO' box and review the data you provided earlier. If you find any inaccuracies or omissions, please return to Step 3 to edit the form.
Existing CofO
  1. Click on the 'Building Description' box and review the data you provided earlier. Upload the missing documents indicated by the form if applicable. If you encounter inaccuracies or omissions, return to Step 4 to edit the form.
Building Description
  1. (Optional) Select the 'Miscellaneous Documents' box. Here, you can upload any necessary documents that don't fit into other categories. If applicable, upload a document and provide a description if necessary.
Misc Docs
  1. Click on the 'Permits' box and review the data you provided earlier. If you encounter inaccuracies or omissions, please return to Step 5 (Permits) to edit the form.
  1. You must agree with the statement written under. Click on 'I agree and acknowledge.'
  1. Click within the 'Inspections Date' field and select a date from the calendar that falls within the next 2 weeks.
Inspection date

The earliest date you can choose is 72 hours after the application is submitted, and you are required to select a date in the next 3 days. To ensure that DOB can issue the Certificate of Occupancy within the 7-business day Service Level Agreement (SLA), the inspection must be scheduled between day 3 and day 5 of the review process.

  1. To proceed, you must agree with the conditions of the process and Service Level Agreement (SLA), located at the bottom of the page.
Process and review
  1. Click on 'Save and continue' to submit your application.