
Create a New Application

In this section of the User Guide, we have included screenshots below each set of instructions to illustrate the process. The use of a red arrow will be a common visual aid in these examples to guide you.



Step 1: Applications

  1. Go to the 'Applications' menu in the sidebar.
Select Applications menu

You will be directed to the 'Applications' listing page.

Step 2: Add New Application

  1. To initiate the application process, click the 'Add New Application' button located either at the top of the page or under the Applications header. This action will open the application form.
Click new application

Applying for a Certificate of Occupancy includes 6 steps:

6 steps flowchart

You have the option to save your progress throughout the application process, allowing you to return and resume your application at any time.

Save draft

Get help and select the type of Certificate of Occupancy application you need, and the tutorial will walk you through the application process step by step.

You can apply as:

  • Property Owner
  • Business Owner/Tenant
  • Authorized Agent of the Owner
  • Authorized Agent of Business Owner/Tenant

You also have the option to modify or revise an existing Certificate of Occupancy: