
Review the CofO Draft



After all designated departments reviewed and approved your application and their statuses turned to approved (green), you can continue the process with the CofO Issuance.

  1. Go to your Dashboard.

  2. You will see a new section stating that your draft CofO has been issued. Click on 'Check details and pay.'

Click on CofO Issuance tab
  1. You will be directed to the 'CofO Issuance' tab of your application. Review the Certificate of Occupancy draft carefully.
Request a change from DOB

Approve it or request a change from DOB if you find something incorrect, then click on 'Submit.'

Request a change from DOB
Approve draft

You will see a success message after you approve the CofO draft. Click on 'Review payment request' on the pop-up window.

Draft CofO approved success message

Continue the process with Completing Payment.